jeudi 18 septembre 2014

Twitter Release New Update

By Hassan Khan

For those who do not know Twitter has not actually launched it's new update. This new update is so helpful as it can really help out a ton of business owners. A lot of times when apps do release new updates we do not think too much about them.

The data is quite wide ranging and will offer lots of new options for Twitter users. For example, it allows users to see impressions, clicks, tweet activity, re-tweets and the engagement rate. This can help users to improve their account and profile, as well as aiding them in pursuing their online goals (connecting with the audience they want to reach).

It will show users which actions are reaping the most results, so that they can focus on those things. It also helps users to divide their time in a much more efficient way, as the data will show which tasks are wasting time, or not producing significant results.

The news was released via an update on the Twitter support page. It noted that the the tweet activity dashboard was just available to people who use the following languages: English, French, Japanese and Spanish. It should also be noted that these users must have had an account for more than fourteen days.

To begin with, since Twitter has now released this whole new update people can see how far their tweets go. It will be telling you more about how your tweets are performing in comparison to all the others.

Personally, I feel this is not as helpful as it can be for companies or celebs that use Twitter on a daily basis. It can really help companies see what kind of target they should be going after, it really can help with the whole business area, but for just a normal person not so much.

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